
Hvad er den bedste high school i Illinois?
Hvad er den bedste high school i Illinois?

Video: Hvad er den bedste high school i Illinois?

Video: Hvad er den bedste high school i Illinois?
Video: Best High Schools In Illinois: Here are the 50 best schools in Illinois 2020 2024, December

Topplacerede Illinois-skoler

  • #1. Payton College Preparatory High School.
  • #2. Northside College Preparatory High School.
  • #3. Lane Tekniske Gymnasium.
  • #4. Young Magnet High School.
  • #5. Jones College Prep High School.
  • #6. Adlai E Stevenson High School.
  • #7. Forbehold Math and Science Academy.
  • #8. Brooks College Prep Academy High School.

Desuden, hvad er gymnasiet nummer 1 i Illinois?

2020 toppublikum gymnasier : Thomas Jefferson Gymnasium for Science & Technology, Virginia. Illinois Matematik og Videnskabsakademi, Illinois . Walter Payton Kollegium Forbered, Illinois.

Og hvad er den bedste high school i Chicago? Top Chicago High Schools

1 Northside College Preparatory High School (S) 96
2 Noble-Pritzker College Preparatory High School (C) 93
3 Walter Payton College Preparatory High School (S) 96
4 Whitney M. Young Magnet High School (S) 95

Når man tager dette i betragtning, hvad er den bedste offentlige skole i Illinois?

Topplacerede Illinois-skoler

  • #1. Payton College Preparatory High School.
  • #2. Northside College Preparatory High School.
  • #3. Lane Tekniske Gymnasium.
  • #4. Young Magnet High School.
  • #5. Jones College Prep High School.
  • #6. Adlai E Stevenson High School.
  • #7. Forbehold Math and Science Academy.
  • #8. Brooks College Prep Academy High School.

Hvad er de 5 bedste gymnasier i Chicago?

  • Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy. Folkeskole.
  • Walter Payton College Prep. Chicago Public Schools, IL.
  • Northside College Preparatory High School. Chicago Public Schools, IL.
  • Adlai E. Stevenson High School.
  • Whitney M.
  • Hinsdale Central High School.
  • Jones College Prep High School.
  • Glenbrook South High School.
